

Celeste Sirin

Celeste Sirin is the founder and MD of Employer Branding Africa, a leading employer branding consulting agency, renowned in the SA Market, and making steady inroads into Africa. The company offers solutions to SME’s, nationals and multinationals who have representation in African regions. Employer Branding Africa caters for emerging markets and new entrants into the exciting world of employer branding. Employer Branding Africa focuses on building, positioning and leveraging companies’ talent brands to attract, engage and retain the best people. Having accumulated a depth of recruitment experience and run her own award-winning recruitment marketing agency for ten years, Celeste’s passion lies in pushing the boundaries of conventional recruitment practices through infusing employer branding, digital marketing, and talent acquisition strategies across various industries. Celeste’s mission lies in defining and driving the fundamental importance of companies adopting employer branding as an accepted business and HR best practice.
