

Abdimalik Yussuf Aden

Abdimalik Yussuf’s experience spans the field of banking, strategic finance management, and social entrepreneurship. He is currently field officer for the Women Enterprise Fund, where he championed rural women economic empowerment and financial inclusion. He is founder and managing director of GreenEquity Africa, a capital finance service provider with a special focus on promoting sustainable green pastoralism and women’s financial inclusion in Kenya. He also manages a community-owned initiative, Lagdera Youth Force, within the HIV/Aids movement. Abdimalik holds Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Mount Kenya University, a diploma in Community Development and Social Work from NEP Technical Training Institute, and professional certificates in Business Investment Opportunities from Kenya’s Institute of Business Training. Upon completion of the Fellowship, he plans to use new skills to strengthen the micro-finance banking concepts of Accumulating Savings and Credit Association Revolving Fund (ASCAs Revolving Fund) that he initiated in North Eastern Kenya.
