

Anissa Issufo Arune

Anissa Issufo Arune

Anissa Issufo Arune has over six years of experience serving as the Projects Manager to a social responsibility organization named Mozambique in Action. Anissa Issufo Arune has an interest in working in domestic violence and child abuse issues. She was producer, MC, and volunteer for Hixikanwe (‘We are Together’), an orphanage for people living with HIV/ AIDS in the Marracuene District. She also founded a small nonprofit named Um pão para todos (‘A Bread for All’), which offers meals, clothes, Polio vaccinations, and medical assistance in partnership with the Ministry of Health. She studied Philosophy at the University of Saint Thomas of Mozambique(Africa). Upon the completion of the Washington Fellowship program, Anissa is planning to open a small center for women and children victims of domestic violence and abuse and in coordination with local government institutions and social institutions will provide social, medical, psychological and legal assistance. Most importantly, the center will provide an education in entrepreneurship and skills on how to start your own business.
