

Fidaah Edries

Fidaah Edries is a Registered Counselor. Life coach.

Youth development specialist. 2nd Dan black belt kickboxing. Muay Thai coach. MMA coach. Blue belt jiujitsu. He works hard every day to motivate and empower others, from children to women to elders. He works every day and only gets to spend time with his family on Sundays. Sensei Fidaah makes one feel welcome to the gym no matter your background or sports experience and he always motivates us to look after our mental health and guides us on how to do that. He is more than just a coach, he is a mentor and role model.

He worked for a Ngo Mustadafin foundation for 5 years from 2011 to 2016; headed and started the youth development and counseling wing; implemented youth interventions such as life skills, mentoring, tutoring, art, leadership, youth camps, sports intervention in 7 different areas on the Cape Flats. In 2016, he established a martial arts gym in the community. Whilst working in the NGO sector he realized that sports were a very strong intervention that is effective. He then started Fighterz Inc. Mma and Wellness Academy end of 2016 now called Fighterz Inc. MMA and Wellness Academy. The gym offers counseling, life coaching, personal growth courses, mentorship, positive peer groups, kids bully-proof classes, ladies’ self-defense classes, and martial arts training in boxing, kickboxing, muay Thai, jiujitsu, MMA, and wrestling.

He volunteered for various NGOs as a student for 6 years (orphanages, nicro, brawan siswam, etc), and helped establish an NGO on campus in honors year ( Students for Positive Social Change). He worked for a Ngo Mustadafin foundation for 5 years from 2011 to 2016. Headed and started the youth development and counseling wing. Implemented youth interventions such as life skills, mentoring, tutoring, art, leadership, youth camps, and sports intervention in 7 different areas on the Cape Flats. In 2016 established a martial arts gym in the community. Whilst working in the NGO sector he realized that sports was a very strong intervention that is effective. He then started Fighterz Inc. Mma and Wellness Academy end of 2016. The aim was to establish a gym that is an intervention and a source of healing and inspiration to the people and the community at large.

Fidaah Edries has been going through a difficult time in his personal life. Recently (this year) his wife gave birth to a baby girl with a heart condition that meant the baby would only live for 3 days according to doctors. It was a painful time for Sensei Fidaah. The baby lived for 7 days by God’s grace. We pray that she resides in heaven.
