

Hector Motivator

Hector Motivator

Hector Motivator – Motivational Speaker Energetic and engaging, Hector exudes a passion that elegantly complements his upbeat personality. Bright and warm, like his favorite color yellow, he’s always seen himself as a bringer of light.

A village boy with the gift of the gab and a passion for motivation, Hector decided early on that uplifting and inspiring others would be his chief personal and professional pursuits. Today, close to two decades later, he remains resolute about his business. Book through Conference Speakers

His customized motivation and teambuilding seminars are boldly imaginative and insightful and his love of performance, combined with a generous use of humor, make Hector Motivator sessions a pleasant blend of motivation, education and entertainment.

Hector Motivator has a core belief that a life with no motivation is one of stagnation. In addition, to create the lives we imagine, we must constantly be willing to discover and explore creative ways of staying motivated enough to pursue our goals.

His aim is to equip South Africans with the tools, insights and information needed to inspire and motivate themselves – and to stay committed in pursuing their purpose.

Hector’s lively and animated personality, added to his unique presentation style, have earned him a steady base of satisfied clients over the past 17 years.

His signature approach to motivation first opens the heart with laughter and then fills the soul with inspiration.


Hector’s clear enthusiasm, keen insight and sharp sense of humour make every event he facilitates a memorable affair.

Hector Motivator was born in 1972 in the North Western village of Madidi, to a dressmaker mother and upholsterer father. Drawn to debate and public speaking as a child, he honed his abilities by practicing diligently, with his parents and three siblings as his audience and test subjects.

Conscious of the world around him and growing up in a time of political unrest, Hector was always eager to make a difference. 

At 14 Hector Motivator convinced fellow students at Seamoge Middle School to unite in an effective strike action against corporal punishment – which he considered cruel and counterproductive. Now recognising the power words have to influence, he decided they’d be the tools he would use to make his mark.

Deeply family oriented, Hector loves to spend leisure time with his children. He also likes to travel, both locally and internationally. His favorite color, yellow, to him represents hope – optimism and sunshine – the dawn of a happy new day.

Professional Journey

After leaving Varsity, Hector did a spell at Radio Bop, presenting Monday Madness, a show which saw presenters offering personal and professional advice to callers and listeners. Following this he joined the I Can Foundation. Here, under tutelage and mentorship by renowned speaker David Molapo, he was trained to be one of the youngest motivational speakers in South Africa.

From here it was on to Kaya FM, where Hector hosted an inspirational Sunday morning show to raving reviews.

By 1999, an increased demand for motivational speaking engagements caused Hector to establish his company, Marang Consulting. Over time, team building facilitating and training were added to the company’s list of services. 10 years later, Marang Consulting became The Motivation Company – rebranded and renamed to more accurately reflect the vision and mission of Hector Motivator.
