

Louis Otieno

Louis Otieno

Louis Otieno (53) holds a Masters of Business Administration from Long Island University and a Bachelor of Science from Mercy College (USA). He is a software developer by training. Mr Otieno began his professional career in the USA, rising to the position of Assistant Vice President at EEC Financial Services in New York. Louis Otieno joined Microsoft in 1997 and is currently the Director in the Middle East and Africa team responsible for Corporate Affairs with Microsoft 4 Africa. Mr. Otieno promotes innovations such as the use of white spaces to provide high speed, affordable broadband connectivity in the unserved rural areas. He is a non executive director at Barclays Bank Kenya Limited. Mr. Otieno was appointed to the board as an independent non- executive directors in July 2017 and is a member of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee.
