

Ursula Axelle Nname Nguema

Ursula Axelle Nname Nguema

Ursula Nguema has over four years of experience promoting podiatry in rural areas in South Africa. She is a bilingual (French/English) podiatrist with a specific interest in the effect of diabetes on feet and has educated African healthcare providers from ten different countries on this topic. Ursula Axelle Nname Nguema received her bachelor’s degree in Podiatry from the University of Johannesburg and is currently studying for her master’s degree in the same field. Her master’s research project focuses on assessing the needs of opening a podiatric service in her home country of Ethiopia. Her goal is to educate the Gabonese diabetic population about foot health in order to prevent lower limb amputations. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, she plans to start working with the Diabetic Association on foot education, training Gabonese healthcare providers on how to screen the diabetic foot, and ultimately open a proper diabetic center with all the necessary diabetes specialists in Gabon.
