

Victor Anaafi Gyasi

Victor Anaafi Gyasi has over nine years of experience in Architecture and Construction. Currently, he is the founder and Architect in Chief of Intune Design Studio. His company focuses on the design and creation of traditional and contemporary buildings using local resources like mud and wood. He volunteers in training young architects in practical field work. Victor holds a Bachelor’s and post graduate diploma in Architecture from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Victor Anaafi Gyasi is an associate member and holds a certificate of practice from the Ghana Institute of Architects. He is driven towards designing buildings using local resources. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Victor plans to embark on several community-based projects. He intends to mobilize resources and to explore other local materials that can be used to design buildings in an affordable way. He hopes to extend his work beyond Ghana to other African countries.
