

Yigha Fokum Violet

Yigha Fokum Violet

Violet Yigha Fokum has over five years of experience in various fields in the community development, youth leadership and women’s empowerment. Currently, she is a Research Assistant in the International Research Development Centre in the University of Buea (IDRC-UB). Yigha Fokum Violet has been involved in several training programs in policy making, gender inclusive programs, adult literacy especially women’s education. Her work focuses on ensuring that policy outcomes have a direct and positive impact on women and youths. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and Public Administration from the University of Buea, a Maitrise in Law and Political Science at the University of Yaounde II, Soa and a master’s degree in Women and Gender Studies from the University of Buea where she focused on gender disparities within society and their impact on the sustainable development of Africa and Cameroon in particular. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, Yigha plans to work on empowerment workshops with government administrators and Non-governmental organizations in order to encourage policy makers to vote for bills that are more inclusive and create more men engaged projects with a focus on teaching, lobbying, and advocacy on women’s rights and equal opportunities. She also plans to sensitize women and youth on the necessity of determining the quality of lawmakers they vote into Parliament.
